1. What role does the Red Cross play in helping the community?
The Australian Red Cross provide 60 community service groups across Australia. The community groups run by the Red Cross provide support and products to disadvantaged or members of the community in need. Members of the Red cross work to improve the quality of life of people in Australia and internationally. By mobilising the power of humanity, human suffering and mistreatment is improved in struggling countries. The Red Cross’s main purpose is to protect the lives and health of people in vulnerable environments and circumstances. The promotion of friendship, mutual understanding and co-operation, improves the relationships between people and restores fair treatment.
The Australian Red Cross provides community services to focus on the health, well-being and safety of community members. Red Cross provide community services such as blood transfusion, organ transplants, emergency disaster services, breakfast club, education for all ages, youth guidance and life coaching, immigration assistance and many more services. Paid members of the Red Cross work in co-ordinating programs nationally and internationally. They mainly work in blood and organ donations, ensuring those in need are treated.
A large percentage of the Red Cross is assisted by volunteer workers. Volunteers assist in running free community services such as breakfast club and services for the homeless. Some volunteers become International missionaries, traveling overseas to help in natural and manmade disasters providing essential services such as clothing, shelter, food and water. Volunteers assist in door knocking and visiting workplaces on the 8th of May for ‘World Red Cross Day’.
Volunteering for the Red Cross can also be a very rewarding way to support. Volunteers assist in running community services focusing on the needs of those in the community. The services such as breakfast club, services for the homeless and street safety. Issues that source the main problems in today’s communities are focused on by volunteers. Volunteers also help manage the Red Cross stores in Australia through work and management of income.
The Red Cross can be supported in more aspects then only donations:
- online shopping
- purchases from Red Cross stores
- workplace giving
- business partnerships
- becoming a blood doner
- becoming a volunteer
- participating in ‘World Red Cross Day’
- volunteering at Red Cross Stores
7. What skill might a person learn from Volunteering at the Red Cross?
A range of skills can be gaining through volunteering at the Red Cross:
- showing empathy
- communication
- first aid
- problem solving
- independence
- basic first aid training
- commitment
8. Could any of these skills be transferred to any paid employment which could be seeked?
- Communication:
Working with people facing issues regarding lifestyle- social working, counseling, life coaching
- Basic first aid training:
treating minor injuries, cuts and bruises- paramedic, first aid teacher, school nurse
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